Suzzanne and Brett Cromwell of the Lowell Film Collaborative host Watch →
Suzzanne and Brett Cromwell of the Lowell Film Collaborative host their segment called “Reel Threads”! They have some great recommendations and a special indy movie trailer for you!
Corey Sciuto sat down with Adam Baacke, current Director of Lowell Department of Planning and Development and Assistant City Manager, who is leaving for a new position in planning at UMass Lowell.
Host Mimi talked to Jay Mason about his local chapter, or “node” of the statewide organization, 350MA, an environmental group particularly dedicated to combating global climate change.
Host Mimi Parseghian chats with guest Jay Mason about the results of Lowell’s recent election.
Threads went to the Brush Art Gallery and talked to its director about upcoming events, and to some of its artists about their work – Pamela Wamala, Lolita Demers, Will Winslow, and Cynthia Hughes.
Corey Sciuto interviews Kristin Wallace, Microloan Program Manager at the Merrimack Valley Small Business Center, about how microloans are helping jumpstart great local businesses here in Lowell are beyond.
If you missed opening night, here’s the parade, opening speeches, and a little taste of the music to hit Lowell all weekend long.
“Reel Threads” segment with Suzzanne and Brett Cromwell, reviewing quirky films on DVD and in independent theatres.
Suzzanne and Brett Cromwell talk about their organization, the Lowell Film Collaborative.
Guest interviewer Jen Myers gets Bernie Lynch to talk about Lowell’s Boards and Commissions.